Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rural Dionysia

Where it was held?
Who it was held for?
  • Dionysus.
Who was involved?
  • citizens of all ages and actors,priests
Why hold the festival?
  • to calibrate cultivation of vines

Monday, March 7, 2011

Achilles as Warkiller

Achilles of classical era
Achilles of the classical period is usually portrayed as having all the characteristics of a great hero but rarely acting like one. deeply entrenched personalty flaws perpetually impair his ability to act as ''hero'' shown in Homer's Iliad when Agamemnon slights Achilles, Achilles refuses to lead Greek tropes agents the Trojans and even go's so far to pray to his oracle of a mother to convince Zeus to aid the Trojans instead of the Greeks. Achilles pride is so great that he would willingly sacrifice Greek soldiers so that he could regain his honer! later on in the epic Achilles cousin is killed by Hector when he is dressed in Achilles armor. Achilles when learns of this he seized by he rage and actively hunts out Hector on the battle field leaving piles of dead in his wake so much so that a river god try's to drown Achilles because the body's of Achilles slayed have clogged the god's river. Achilles lets his rage control him to the degree that Zeus is forced to send the gods to reign him in lest he sack Troy.

Achilles of modern era
A modern portrayal of Achilles is the DC comics hero Warkiller.
Warkiller is created by Zeus when for reasons unknown rips the heart from Hawaiian god Kane Moilohai he then travels to the fictional island of Thalarion where he calls a gathering of the island indigenous to the land Zeus then calls forth a magic flame from which a skeleton hand reaches forward and takes the heart and a fully formed Achilles steps out. Warkiller is a good leader a loyal to his men many times risking himself to protect one of his soldiers. He can be a little naive when dealing with the world outside of his home (due to being born 2000 years ago). He wants whats best for his people and is willing to kill for them. Warkiller was created by Zeus and so when Zeus asks Warkiller to do something Warkiller rarely refuses him.

Achilles and Warkiller
Achilles of classical times is willing to sacrifice his men for glory and honner well Warkiller will surfer abuse and dishonner to keep his men safe. Warkiller and Achilles both have a terrible temper and will quickly resort to violence if the need arises. Well both of them have invincible and very strong Warkiller's strength is directly related to his determination in battle as aposed to Achilles who has his powers constantly. Both Warkiller and Achilles are skilled warriors that have an incredible tenacity on the battle field. well Achilles use a chariot to get around Warkiller use Mysia, a mystical flying elephant with three eyes and two trunks.
As we can clearly see there some themes that are present in both modern and classical Achilles.

Why Superman is modern day Achilles

Superman and Achilles are similar on paper they both are invincible, super strong and have a strong pride and have an unshakable determination. they both at times have been blinded by there pride. the both have an Achilles heel though for Achilles it is literally his heel for Superman it is Kryptonite
Achilles was know for his power and invincibility on the battle field, Superman is renown in the dc universe for being one of its most powerful hero's.

Achilles kills Hector when he finds out that Hector had killed Achilles cusion dressed in Achilles amour. Superman does much the same (in Superman the animated series) when Lex Luther kills the flash.both Superman and Achilles were not born with there powers but gained them from an outside source for Achilles it was when he was dipped in the river synx and S when he first came to earth and Superman adsorbed the rays of the yellow sun granting them there amazing powers

So as i have explainedSuperman is just a modern day Achilles!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Batman is a modern day Odysseus

Batman and Odysseus have the same quality's eg

  • Cunning
  • Physically fit
  • Mortal
  • A skilled worrier
  • Obsessive
  • Rich
  • Born into high society
  • Spends large periods of time away from home
  • Both wiling to kill to meet there goal
In the movie batman/superman:Apocalypses(Director: Lauren Montgomery)(Date made 28 September 2010 USA) Batman demonstrates cunning when he arms all of the hellspawn to go off and tear apart the plant and blackmails Darkseid to let Supergirl go from the mind control she was under.
Batman also shows that he is a skilled worrier and incredibly fit as shown when he is fighting the hellspawn when they attack wonder woman's home Paradise Island and along with superman and wonder woman as well as a legion of Amazonians .

Odysseus shows his cunning when he has just returned home and finds his home over run with suites so he dress him self as a lowly beggar so the suites do not recognizes him. It can be said that Penelope recognizes Odysseus so she sets a challenge that only Odysseus has ever been able to do. So the suites all try and all fail and when it comes to his turn he thoughts off his disuse and demonstrates he is a skilled worrier and incredibly fit by being to strings the great bow (which was the challenge) and slays all the suites.

So both Batman and Odysseus demonstrate similar talents that define who they are as characters as we can clearly see above. Both of them are mortal or have no existing superpowers they rely on there cunning and skills as worrier to win battles or over come situations of stress.
Even though the creation of Batman and
Odysseus was hundreds of years apart we can see similar themes between them. this says more about humans then then anything else because we enjoy these themes they have become present throughout our history.

The Odyssey(Homer)
Batman/Superman: Apocalypses

Monday, February 28, 2011

my study notes

well to day i chose 2 of my questions for my classic work (i had another but forgot it).
They are: what are the differences between heros of the classical age eg Odysseys and heros of the modern age eg Nelson Mandala.
what are the similarities between heros of the classical age eg Odysseys and heros of the modern age eg Nelson Mandala and superman

i have found that heros of the classical age tended to have such qualities as strength, courage, nobility, confidence and a thirst for glory. Well heros of the modern era in comics tend to have very strong morels and some sort of talent boosted to superhuman abilities be it speed, strength or the powers of a spider. One of the biggest similarities between classical heros and modern heros is that they are not all human eg Superman and Hercules.
of corse there are exemptions to this rule like Batman he has traits in common to Odysseys
for example the are both very intelligent and physically fit but have no superpowers!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Myths and Religion

what is a myth?
a myth defined by the dictionary is...
a traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people orexplaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
well a Religion is defined as...
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
Some myths from the christen faith is the creation myth. In this myth it says god created all of earth in 7 days.
this myth is incredibly important to the christen faith. Many people believe in that this has actually happened (hence the reason why we have intelligent design theory) although i do believe in God i think this is more of a metaphor. you many think something else but to each his own>